Bee - it's called a "goose breast" it's just loads of whipped cream swathed in marzipan. in other words, typically danish. i think that bit at the bottom is actually some kind of prune compote-like stuff. i don't really know, since i don't eat that stuff, i just bought it to take the picture. husband, however, made short work of it.
K, you got such a cool reflection on that glass. And I love the pink color picked up in both pictures.
J, what is that wicked-looking dessert?
Bee - it's called a "goose breast" it's just loads of whipped cream swathed in marzipan. in other words, typically danish. i think that bit at the bottom is actually some kind of prune compote-like stuff. i don't really know, since i don't eat that stuff, i just bought it to take the picture. husband, however, made short work of it.
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