Monday, August 24, 2009

scenes from a weekend

Riding lesson -- Sunday evening walk

With a little random help, we picked a winner for our giveaway. The winner is Elizabeth of Landanna - congratulations! This is what Elizabeth said about her favorite diptych so far:

"My absolute favorite is scenes from the weekend. The vikingship, do I have to explain. Ok. I'm nuts about runen, helleristninger, the stories. I even moved to Danmark do i need to say more.

The salat is so much summer, so delicious to look at, the color, the texture, crispy, healthy, yummy, mmmmm...

This two pictures together is like a small collage of me/with me/for me."

We are so happy and grateful for the feedback we got from all of you! Lots of great theme suggestions and other ideas for the future of our project. Thank you!


Elizabeth said...

Thank you Kristina and Julie. My music is playing very loud, lol. Thanks for giving me these two drop gorgeous pictures. Soon I will have two orginal pictures from two different photographers, can you believe my luck.


Bee said...

The hazy blues really link these two pictures. I do LOVE that celestial sky.